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Eagle Scout time extension

Time extension for completing Eagle rank requirements beyond Scout’s 18th birthday

If a Scout foresees that, due to no fault or choice of their own, it will be impossible to complete the Eagle Scout rank requirements before age 18 he or she may apply to our council for a limited time extension. These should be granted only when necessary and are reserved only for work on Eagle. When a time extension is requested, the Scout should continue working on the requirements until a final decision is delivered.

An extension request must meet three tests to be approved:

1. The member joined or rejoined (or became active again after a period of inactivity or became refocused on advancement after a period of inattention) in time to complete all requirements before turning 18.

2. Through no fault or choice of the Scout, an unforeseen circumstance or life-changing event with severe consequences has come to exist that now precludes completion of the requirements before the deadline. Examples might include, but are not limited to: a hospital stay, disabling injury, significant personal or family incident or issue, natural disaster, severe unseasonable weather, or the actions of others. If the circumstance is health-related, it must have been unforeseen and of recent onset, or a complication or intensification of an ongoing issue.

3. The circumstance is beyond the control of the Scout, could not have been anticipated or planned for, and was not or cannot be resolved in time to complete the requirements.

Local councils have the authority to grant limited extensions of time to complete Eagle requirements. These are available only to youth who qualify according to the three tests listed above.

  • A Scout, their parent or guardian, unit leader, or members of the unit committee may file such requests.
  • Our council advancement committee must research and evaluate requests and recommend decisions to the Scout Executive.
  • Councils have the authority to grant Scouts only enough time to complete the requirements, but not more than a total of six months after the Scout’s 18th birthday. Under most circumstances, however, three to four months has proven sufficient.


Requesting an extension

Requests for time extensions must be submitted to the Fickett Center in person, electronically, or by mail to the attention of Keri Smeaton, Eagle Processor. The form, Request for Extension of Time to Earn Eagle Scout Rank, should be submitted along with any supporting letters or documentation to be considered for review. Since council-granted extensions expire no more than six months after the Scout’s 18th birthday, it is wise to submit requests before a Scout turns 18. Scouts are encouraged to continue work on advancement throughout the extension request process.

Completed form and supporting documentation (if any) may be submitted by:

  • In person to the Fickett Center during office hours of 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday
  • Attaching an electronic copy to an email to [email protected] (this is preferred and will guarantee the fastest possible reply to your request)
  • Mailing to Capitol Area Council BSA, attn: Eagle Processor, 12500 North IH 35, Austin, Texas, 78753

Once received, the Eagle processor will submit extension request to the Council Advancement Committee for review. The committee will provide their recommendation to the Scout Executive. Upon approval by the Scout Executive, the District Advancement Chair, unit leader or additional unit Eagle contacts, and the Scout are notified of the determination by letter and signed request form.


Register as an adult member of Scouting (upon your 18th birthday)

In order to continue to work on Eagle requirements as an adult, a Scout that is 18 must submit the following:

  • Fill out the adult application and background check form and select UP (Unit Participant) as the position code
  • Complete BSA Youth Protection Training at
  • Scan your completed application, background check form, and certificate proving you completed Youth Protection Training to your troop’s Chartered Organization Representative (your Scoutmaster or Committee Chair can help with this if you have questions)
  • You do not have to pay a new adult membership fee
  • Your Chartered Organization Representative will sign, scan, and email your documents to our Registrar, or print, sign, and mail your documents to Capitol Area Council BSA, attn: Registrar, 12500 North IH 35, Austin, TX, 78753